Let’s explore how this works…

  • The Coming Home process will involve working online with two different coaches per week after an initial consultation with all of us together

  • Melanie will focus on inner healing and nervous system regulation whilst helping you to gently uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back or keeping you stuck

  • Mark will help you to change those limiting beliefs; placing in your subconscious all of the new beliefs and identity structures needed to help create and define the vision that you most want for your life

Nothing is taboo or wrong, all parts of you are welcome.

Together, we will be able to explore all elements within your experience of life to help you gain perspective on what has been holding you back and empower you to move forward from a place of self-compassion and wholeness.

This method is the perfect balance of both masculine and feminine energetics creating an environment to help you feel safe so that you are able to take the steps needed to create the life of your choosing.

An innovative approach to healing and coaching

Three Key Stages of Coming Home


This is your time to pause, to allow the mind to settle. Without the knowledge and understanding of what has lead to our current experience of life we can be stuck in cycles of self-blame, judgement and criticism.

Knowledge is power and this is the time to become aware of how your past is creating your current reality. Rather than focussing on something ‘being wrong with you’, we shift the perspective to ‘what has happened to you’ and how that’s impacted you. When we start to change the lens through which we see ourselves and the world around us, we begin to change our entire physiology.


Transformation can only happen through experience and this experience needs to happen in the body as well as the mind.

Through nervous system regulation and inner child healing we can begin to experience an internal sense of safety and validation rather than seeking it from external sources that can often fail us. When we learn to truly connect to ourselves, embrace our emotions and tune into our innate wisdom, we can live from a place of authenticity and truly come home to ourselves.


It’s here that we take back the reigns of our lives. This part of the process is all about taking action.

We all have the potential within us to live the life of our choosing, it is only our past conditioning that holds us back from a life of self-actualisation.

When we begin to change our subconscious beliefs about ourselves and our identity, the results we create begin to change immeasurably, enabling us to thrive and live a life that is full of possibility, meaning and purpose.

This is why the work with Coming Home is so powerful. When we are actively seeking and bringing into the light the impact of our past trauma and wounding, we can heal from the pain and then turn the lens of our vision from that of suffering to what we want to create. We can start taking guided action towards building the reality that is in alignment with our soul’s calling.

We have so much more potential than we realise, and this process will help you towards self-mastery. It is taking back the reins of your life, focusing on your empowerment and the ability to design the life of your choosing, on your terms.

What is included:

  • Initial 90-minute joint consultation

  • Two online coaching sessions p/w

  • Supported by meditations & visualisations

  • Bespoke coaching programme

  • Continued support for maintenance

  • Access to recommended professionals

Our rates

Coming Home is a 12-week programme in which time you will see us both each week in separate sessions*.

Each coaching session will be 1-hour, meaning you get 2-hours in total of live coaching per week.

After the initial 12 weeks we can work on a month by month basis to ensure maintenance of the work done.

Per month | £2,000 | Get started

*Your first session will be 90 mins with both coaches together

Get started with Coming Home, today.